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Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks this invitation to those who are burdened by sin, guilt, and the stresses of this fallen world.  Jesus has taken up the cross for you and calls you to follow, so that you might learn from Him. His gentle, lowly way reveals that God’s purposes are not to burden or trouble you, but to give you rest for your soul. Each day He says, “Come to me.”

Daily Rest is a daily devotion book inviting readers to come to Jesus, learn of His gentle and lowly ways, and find rest for their soul. Daily Rest is published quarterly by the Church of the Lutheran Confession with devotions supplied by a volunteer staff of CLC pastors and teachers.

Today’s Daily Rest Reading

2025-03-29 Weekend Rest Journal

1. Read Psalm 106 to see a Wonderful description of God’s Longsuffering grace and mercy. The Psalmist recounts God’s faithful dealing with His rebellious people in the wilderness and God’s faithfulness in spite of their great sin. Consider how your life has been like Israel in the wilderness and how God has been faithful to… 2025-03-29 Weekend Rest Journal