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2025-02-26 Jesus, the Willing Sacrifice

Week of Transfiguration

And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Luke 9:29-31 (ESV)

Peter, James, and John have witnessed some incredible things these past few years. They’ve seen Jesus heal incurable diseases, cast out demons, multiply food—even raise people from the dead! This has brought a lot of attention. Everywhere Jesus goes, He’s surrounded by crowds so large that they cannot enter cities. (Mark 1:45) At times, the massive crowds threaten to crush Jesus and his disciples. (Mark 3:9) Jesus’ ministry is exploding.

Now, at the peak of His popularity, Jesus leads Peter, James, and John up a mountain where He shines brilliantly and talks with Moses and Elijah. Imagine what they must have been thinking! Could this be the beginning of an amazing new phase of Jesus’ ministry? Jesus, Moses, and Elijah would certainly make for an incredible team. Would they lead a spiritual revival in Israel? Free Israel from Roman tyranny? Establish a kingdom in Israel that would last forever?

Whatever they imagined in that moment, I doubt they could have foreseen the next time Jesus would take those three aside. Instead of radiating His own glory, He would be flat on His face, dripping with bloody sweat, agonizing over what was to come. I doubt they foresaw the Garden of Gethsemane and the torture that awaited their Lord and friend.

Yet, this was the amazing new phase of Jesus’ ministry. This phase would spread the Name of God beyond the borders of Judea, deliver all mankind from the tyranny of Satan, and establish an everlasting spiritual kingdom.

It was this phase that would not only rescue Peter, James, and John, but you and me as well. Jesus lovingly sacrificed Himself for us. Let us live lives of willing sacrifice in thanks to Jesus, our willing Sacrifice.

Jesus on the mountain peak
Stands alone in glory blazing
Let us, if we dare to speak
Join the saints and angels praising Alleluia!
Worship Supplement 719:1