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2025-01-31 Following Jesus: Top Priority

Follow Me

Then another of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” But Jesus said to him, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.” Matthew 8:21-22

In this ‘follow me’ example, the disciple makes what seems to be a legitimate request: let me go and bury my father. Whether his father had recently died and burial preparations needed to be made, or if his father was nearing death and the disciple wished to spend time with him, these seem to be noble and even God-fearing (4th commandment) undertakings.

But Jesus' response indicates that the directive to follow Him takes precedence over the needs of his father or family. The mission of Jesus to the living supersedes any earthly responsibility to the dead. This is even more true when it involves an attachment to a “dead” unbelief that would keep us from following Him who alone gives life.

The message to us is about priorities. We have a variety of responsibilities in this life, many of which are to be carried out as part of our Godly calling in life (parent, Christian friend, helping the needy, etc). But, our top priority must always be following our Lord and Savior. Nothing can interfere with that. Not even something as close as the bond of family. In Matthew 10:37, Jesus says, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.”

Yes, we have obligations in this life. We have family relationships and responsibilities that occupy our time. But in everything we do, may God keep us focused on following Him as the ultimate purpose in our earthly walk.

Dear Father in Heaven, as we conclude this ‘follow me’ series, our hearts are broken with the recognition that we have not been good followers of you. We have not taken advantage of opportunities to be fishers of men. We have not kept Your commandments. We have tried to sidestep crosses rather than bearing them. And we have prioritized many things ahead of You. But, we thank You for sending your Son to be the perfect follower in our place, and crediting that to us, so that we may stand blameless before You. Amen.