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2024-09-14 Weekend Rest Journal

1. This week, we examined the roles of laypeople in the congregation. Philip in the Book of Acts is an example of a layperson who was sent as an evangelist. Philip in Acts is not listed as one of Jesus’ apostles. Read Acts 6:1-6. How was he and the other deacons chosen to serve in the congregation in Jerusalem?

2. Besides serving the physical needs of the congregation, Philip also spread the gospel. Read Acts 8:26-40. To whom did he explain the words of Isaiah? What was the result of this proclamation of the word of God?

3. Philip is a good example of the different roles of laypeople in the congregation. Read 2 Timothy 1:3-7. Who taught Timothy the word of God before becoming a coworker with the Apostle Paul? How are Philip and these two laywomen an example for you?
