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2024-09-12 Younger Women

Encouraging the Roles of Laypeople

The young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. Titus 2:4-5

After encouraging the instruction of the older women, the apostle speaks of the role of the younger women. His instruction is for the older women, who have experience in the areas of being a wife and mother, to teach the younger ones. The younger women are to learn from the spiritually mature women of their congregation. As our society downplays the role of wife and mother, the apostle here emphasizes such a role for a society’s foundation is the home. This shows the essential role that the young women serve as they care for home life. The home is where the future begins both for society and the congregation. Here is where the children learn the word of God and how to live godly lives. This is essential for the future spreading of God’s word. Without the word of God in the home, the young are unlikely to learn it or keep it.

The apostle gives only two characteristics for young women, namely to love their husbands, and love their children. When these two characteristics of unselfish love occur in a home, all the other qualities mentioned fall into place. Being discreet means being sensible and self-controlled, resulting in patience with others. Being chaste or pure will cause no one to question one’s actions. Rather than being a home-wrecker, causing havoc, a homemaker makes a house a home. She considers the well-being of her family. Being good and obedient to their own husbands, they acknowledge the order that God has placed in the family. As young women love their husbands and children in their words and actions, they keep the word of God from being damaged or dishonored.

Heavenly Father, give us young women in our congregation, who love their husbands and children. Such women provide a valuable service to You and Your kingdom so that our congregations have future leaders who are sound in the word of God. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.