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2024-09-11 Older Women

Encouraging the Roles of Laypeople

The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things– that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children. Titus 2:3-4

The Apostle Paul turns his attention to the encouragement of the older women. Once again, the concept of older is not necessarily age but spiritual maturity. The apostle desires Titus to instruct the spiritually mature women in the God-pleasing characteristics of that position in life. In our day, a young man such as Titus, is not always received well when instructing women, not to mention older women, in the proper characteristics of that position. However, Titus instructs these women not using his opinions but what the word of God states. Therefore, the instruction of Titus should be recognized not as his words but as the word of God. Each of us no matter our age or sex would do well to consider these characteristics in our own spiritual life.

These characteristics are being reverent in behavior, not slandering, not given to wine, and being a teacher of good things. Like the older men, the older women are to be reverent by being examples of how to live godly lives. The older women are not to be slanderers by gossiping and being meddlers. They should also be moderate in their drinking of wine. Lastly and most importantly, they need to be teachers of the younger women and children instructing them on what is good and God-pleasing. God has given to the older women this special position of influencing the next generation by teaching them the word of God and how to live godly lives. This teaching is done not only by their words but also by their actions. Let us once again pray for the gift of these characteristics.

Heavenly Father, send us your Spirit to give us wisdom and knowledge so that we may be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, and teachers of good things. May these gifts glorify You, our Heavenly Father, through our example and words. We ask this in our Savior Jesus’ name. Amen.