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2024-09-18 The Grateful Soul


All a man's labor is for his mouth and yet the appetite (that is, the soul) is not satisfied. Ecclesiastes 6:7 NASB1995 (Read Ecclesiastes 6:1-9)

Looking at things from an earthly perspective, Solomon tells us first, of the man who does not enjoy his riches and honor. Second, he tells us of a man who is not satisfied with the blessing of a large family. Third, of the man who does not appreciate the long life he has been given. Of what value are riches, honor, family, or longevity, if one can’t enjoy any of it? It is all empty and worthless.

The world is filled with people who don’t know how to enjoy life. The reason is simple: “All a man's labor is for his mouth and yet the soul is not satisfied.” The sinner without Christ can’t enjoy what he has worked for because his soul is not right. How is your soul? Do you enjoy the gifts of God? Do you enjoy your clothing, your home, your food, your car, etc.? Or, does your soul long for something more or better? How miserable is the person who hates what God has given and groans over what He has not given. No doubt, we can all see ourselves in this picture.

Look to your soul. If you don’t like your gifts, the problem is not in the gift, but in you. It is time to repent and rejoice that God gave you His Son, who in turn gave Himself as payment for your sins. Then, your soul will find joy in the grace of God, who “with Him also freely gives us all things.” (Romans 8:32 NASB) If God wants you to have something better, you’ll get it. However, if your soul truly enjoys His greatest blessing, you will enjoy the lesser blessings, too. Then, you can begin and end each day with thanks to God. The soul that gives thanks cannot soon complain.

Lord, I will tell, while I am living,
Thy goodness forth with every breath
And greet each morning with thanksgiving,
Until my heart is still in death.
Yea, when at last my lips grow cold,
Thy praise shall in my sighs be told.

The Lutheran Hymnal 30:5