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2024-09-30 The Bright Morning Star

Jesus’ Word and Work

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

Are you interested in astronomy? If so, then you know that the morning star is actually the planet Venus. You also know that the morning star is one of the most beautiful sights in the heavens. It is the star that outshines all the rest. In today's Bible verse, Peter makes mention of this star.

As the heavens are filled with a countless number of stars, so the Bible is full of glorious bright truths. And as the morning star is the prized possession of the heavens, so the Bible has its prized Morning Star. The Morning Star of the Bible is, of course, none other than Jesus, God's Son—the Light of the World. It is this Morning Star—it is this Jesus, revealed so clearly and brightly in the Bible, Who drives away the darkness from our lives.

No one else but He, as He shows Himself to us in His Word, can displace all the darkness which is so thick and deep. There's the darkness of our own inborn sin which tries to overshadow the joy and peace we have by faith in Christ. There's the darkness of a world, hopeless and lost, whose despair can easily rub off on us. There's the appalling darkness of death's shadow. There are the forces of darkness, Satan and his evil angels, which are bent on dragging us down into the abyss of eternal night. The only true antidote for all this gloom is the light our Savior brings. And His light shines in no other place but in your Bible. In God’s Word we have real light to drive away the shadows of all our fears. We open the Bible, and there He is—Jesus, beaming so true and so sure.

Dear Lord, open Your Word to me and lead me into the everlasting light of my Savior. Amen.