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2024-05-06 I AM the Door

Jesus: The Great “I AM”

Then Jesus said to them again, "Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep." John 10:7

They keep things out. They let things in. Sometimes they stick. They come in all different shapes and sizes. Children never seem to remember to shut them. The big thing about doors, however, is that they all lead to somewhere. The door to your home leads to love and acceptance, warmth and safety. The door to your church leads to opportunities to worship God with your fellow Christians, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Savior. The door to the concert hall leads to an evening of enjoyment and warm memories. While the prison cell door leads to loneliness and regret.

But what if there was a door that led to death? A door that led to never ending death and misery? Would people still turn the handle to such a door and walk into where it leads? They would, and they do. The Scripture says: "Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it." (Mark 7:13)

There is one, and only one door that leads away from death and hell. That door has a name– Jesus Christ. That door is smeared red with His cleansing blood. Jesus, the door, leads to life and unending joy! It's the only door that truly leads to somewhere.

Thank God for leading us to this door–to faith in Jesus. But maybe right now you need to open it a little wider. Maybe you're shutting peace out of your life because of some unconfessed sin. Perhaps you keep running into a dead end as you struggle with life's problems. Or could it be that your worries are blocking the joy of salvation from entering your heart? If so, open wide THE DOOR to your life!

Dear Lord, open Your Word to me and lead me into the everlasting love of my Savior. Amen.