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2023-05-09 He Lives to Plead for Me Above

My Redeemer Lives

I know that my Redeemer lives. Job 19:25

The best way to get to Dad is to go through Mom. The best way to get to Mom is to go through Dad. Children figure out right away that getting someone else to plead their cause often gets the best results. This is absolutely true when it comes to God and our prayers. We need Jesus, God the Son, to serve as mediator between us and God the Father. Sinfully corrupted creatures should not expect a holy God to answer their prayers. But with Jesus washing us clean of all sin by His blood and then acting as our Advocate before God's throne, we can and should expect amazing results from our prayers.

Jesus rose and lives for us for many reasons. But one important reason He lives is so that, now, at His Father's right hand, we have someone who can and will speak to the Father on our behalf. Jesus finished the work to redeem us when He lived, died, and rose again for us. But He continues to be our active Savior. We can be certain that everyday He is making sure our cares, wants, and needs are being brought directly to our Heavenly Father.

What do you need God to do for you? Do you have sins that need forgiving? Do you have a worried heart that needs comforting? Do you have fractured relationships that need healing? Everyone of us can make quite a long list of things for which we need God’s perfect help. There's no need to hesitate. Bend your knee. Bow your head. Pray away. Jesus isn't in His grave. He's alive. He's by your side everyday. And He who died and was raised to life is also at the right hand of God interceding for you (Romans 8:34).

Take heart dear child of God. Jesus will make sure your Father will hear your prayers and provide you with just the right answers. Then, be sure to tell others:

He lives to bless me with His love,
He lives to plead for me above,
He lives my hungry soul to feed,
He lives to help in time of need.
The Lutheran Hymnal 200:3