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2024-07-10 The First Petition: Hallowed Be Your name

The Lord’s Prayer

Hallowed be Your name. Matthew 6:9b

In this petition, we are asking our heavenly Father that His name be hallowed. The word “Hallowed” (Greek word hagiazo) has the meanings: setting apart as sacred to God or set apart for a divine, saving purpose, to regard as sacred, make holy, consecrate. With this understanding, we are praying to God in the First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer to aid us in keeping His name holy among us. So then, what does the name of God include? It is not only the names by which God is known, but also everything that He has revealed about Himself and His precious truths recorded in the Bible.

In his Large Catechism, Martin Luther gives us this helpful explanation concerning this petition: “‘Heavenly Father, help us in every way so that Your name may be holy.’ ‘But what does it mean to pray that His name may be holy? Is it not holy already?’ Answer, ‘Yes, it is always holy in its nature, but in our use it is not holy. Now, here is a great need that we ought to be most concerned about. This name should have its proper honor; it should be valued holy and grand as the greatest treasure and sanctuary that we have. As godly children we should pray that God’s name, which is already holy in heaven, may also be and remain holy with us upon earth and in all the world.”

“‘But how does it become holy among?’ Answer, as plainly as it can be said: ‘When both our doctrine (teaching) and life are godly and Christian.’ Since we call God our Father in this prayer, it is our duty always to act and behave ourselves as godly children, that He may not receive shame, but honor and praise from us.’”

Thy name be hallowed. Help us, Lord, in purity to keep Thy Word,
That to the glory of Thy name we walk before Thee free from blame.
Let no false doctrine us pervert; all poor; deluded souls convert. Amen.
The Lutheran Hymnal 458:2