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2024-06-22 Weekend Rest Journal

1. Read all of 1 Samuel 1:1-2:10 to review the full account of Hannah and Samuel. As you read Hannah’s whole prayer in chapter two, notice how the same theme continues—praise and thanks and glory to the one true God.

2. Read 1 Kings 3:5-9. Solomon offered a “king’s prayer” as he undertook the leadership of God’s chosen people, Israel. Compare the responsibility that Solomon felt and the prayer he offered to the responsibility and prayers of parents.

3. Read Genesis 24 which is the account of Isaac and Rebekah’s courtship as God brought husband and wife together. Reflect on how God guided the whole process and how Rebekah and Isaac humbly submitted to God’s will. Also consider how the same attitudes, trust, and demeanor can be carried into today’s dating and courtship practices.

4. We heard only five parent prayers this week. Make a list of additional topics that you as parents/grandparents can add to your prayer list for your children/grandchildren. Or, as children/grandchildren what are topics about which you would like your parents/grandparents to pray for you? Share the lists.
