Trials in the Wilderness
“Our soul loathes this worthless bread.” Numbers 21:5
The Lord graciously provided food for the Children of Israel in a wilderness where none was available. The LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.” (Exodus 16:4) He sent them Manna every morning. Manna is described as tasting like wafers made with honey. Certainly, something that was enjoyable to eat. In addition, He sent quail every evening. This was their diet during their forty-year sojourn.
However, they became dissatisfied with it. Would we not feel the same way? Consider having your favorite meal day after day for an entire month or an entire year. What would your reaction be?
God supplies our needs in the quantity and quality of His choosing. Some have much and some have little according to what is in their best interest as God sees it. The Father’s goal is that His children would have the eternal joy of heaven, not a life of ease during this temporary life. Focusing on the spiritual rather than physical needs leads to satisfaction. Focusing on the eternal rather than the temporary leads to hopefulness.
God provides something much better than the miracle of Manna. He gives us Living Bread from heaven in the person of Jesus Christ who feeds our soul. Knowing that Jesus provides forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation leads us to trust in His provision of your earthly needs.
Heavenly Father, lead us to be content and appreciative with what You have given us.