Moses Excuses
Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.” Then the Lord’s anger burned against Moses, and he said, “Isn’t Aaron the Levite your brother? I know that he can speak well. And also, he is on his way now to meet you. He will rejoice when he sees you. You will speak with him and tell him what to say. I will help both you and him to speak and will teach you both what to do. Exodus 4:13-15 (CSB)
Moses gave God five excuses why God shouldn’t send him to Egypt. The last excuse is the lamest. He just says: “Send someone else.” But God says: “No. I’m sending you.”
In my life I seldom feel in control. Most of the time I feel like I’m on a surfboard cruising down a huge wave—but this is the first time I’ve ever surfed. I certainly don’t know what I’m doing, and this isn’t going to end well. But God doesn’t send His wave to hurt me, He sends it to take me where I need to go.
Why did God make me a pastor? Maybe because He knew I needed to be that close to the Word all the time, or else I wasn’t going to make it. Sometimes He gives us a difficult task, so that we will benefit from it.
Moses didn’t want to go. But when it was all over, he was the Bible-proclaimed, humblest man who ever lived. He was a great hero of the Old Testament. And honor of honors, he himself had been a foreshadowing of the Messiah.
Moses led the people out of slavery, through endless impossible trials, to the Promised Land. Later, Jesus would do this in a greater sense. Leading sinners out of the slavery of sin, and to God’s heaven, through His death on the cross.
Thank God that He doesn’t take “no” for an answer. He does not want us to sabotage ourselves, and duck out of His blessings. “No, Moses,” He says. “I won’t send someone else. This is for you.”
Thank You Lord God that You are persistent in Your mission. Through every difficulty You work blessings. Help us to see those blessings and glorify Your name.”