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2025-01-04 Weekend Rest Journal

1. Look at some of the other times angels appeared to people in the Bible: Genesis 18:1-18, Judges 6:11-18, Luke 1:26-33, and Acts 12:6-11. Why do you think that God has sometimes used angels to communicate with people?

2. Sometimes our emotions cloud and skew how we think about God and his word. Pray for God to give you a clear mind and objectivity to live according to his word.

3. Think of someone you know who might be having a hard time with the holiday season. Take time and reach out to that person with the gospel. If you can, also try to help that person feel better however you can.

4. Read through some of God’s other Old Testament promises that were fulfilled in the New Testament by Jesus. If you want, buying a “promise Bible” highlights these verses for you. Otherwise, you can easily find a list of Old Testament prophecies about Jesus online.
