Means of Grace.
For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Galatians 3:27
They say that clothes make the man. Clothes can indicate a lot about a person, or at least cause people to form opinions. We expect an important speaker to dress formally. What would you be thinking if your pastor stepped into the pulpit this Sunday in a stained, greasy undershirt? Even if you know there’s a respectable man underneath, it would be awfully hard to take him seriously. Scripture often calls Baptism a washing, because the connection with water is obvious. But the Bible also speaks of Baptism as a change of clothes. In the case of spiritual clothing, the clothing really does make the man.
There are only two outfits. We are all born wearing the disgusting suit of sin. This is our sinful nature, the “old man,” which clearly marks us as unholy and unworthy to stand in the presence of God. We are totally unable to remove these clothes, and the more we try to spruce them up with good works, the more they become filthy rags.
The other outfit that we can wear is the only one that allows us to be members of God’s household. It is the robe of Christ’s righteousness which He earned for us by His perfect life and innocent death. This is a robe that none can buy, but it is given to sinners freely in Baptism. At Baptism the Holy Spirit strips you of your spiritual death suit and clothes you in Christ. That makes you a new man, holy and blameless.
Remember your Baptism daily. Through repentance, remove those old clothes daily and send them to the incinerator. Be clothed in Christ’s righteousness, which never fades.
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to Thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly,–
Wash me, Savior, or I die!
The Lutheran Hymnal 376:3