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2024-10-17 In Paradise


And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43

Some might picture paradise as an island retreat with plenty of sunshine and cold refreshments. Others may see a frosty mountain with great snow for skiing and a warm cabin to relax in. Neither one of these would be on the mind of a person being crucified. Really, anything would sound better at that point.

The Bible tells us of two criminals on either side of Jesus on Good Friday. The crowd, for the most part, heckled Jesus as He willingly paid for their sins. He did not step down when prompted. He did not give in to their sickness. One criminal joined their jeering. The other, at the last, did not.

Was he a better person? No, and even he admitted that. To his fellow criminal he said, “‘Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.’”

This common criminal was not thinking of an earthly paradise. He likely had no idea what pictures the prophets painted of the heavens. Yet he had a paradise of sorts in mind when he requested Jesus to simply remember him when He would go into His kingdom. He wanted forgiveness and saw at long last that the bloodied Man beside him was the only place it could be found.

Now the man knew his sins were forgiven. Every drop of blood that Jesus shed was painted on the doorpost of his heart. Though death would visit him soon, he would not die. It would pass him over. Because his sins were forgiven, he was welcomed with open arms into a Paradise like no other that very day. The same promise is given to us. Though we deserved His death, He gives us life instead.

May we in our guilt and shame
Still Thy love and mercy claim,
Calling humbly on Thy name;
Hear us, holy Jesus.
The Lutheran Hymnal #181:2