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2024-10-08 It is No Longer I who Live

Christ In You

I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Do you love God? Do you genuinely want to live to please Him? Do you want to worship Him? None of that comes from you. Your human nature doesn’t have any of those desires. It is Christ living in you. Every holy thought and desire, every godly thing you do is produced by Jesus Christ who is living in your new heart. As a 12 year old boy, Jesus showed His love and desire to study God’s word. He still has that love for the Word as He lives and works in your heart. He desires for you to be just as eager to hear and study His Word so that He can strengthen you in the faith.

Jesus often said that He has come to do His Father’s will and He perfectly carried out His Father’s will down to the smallest detail. That again is your Salvation. He did that for you and gives you His perfect obedience and righteousness. Now He also lives in you by faith and He works the same commitment to do His Father’s will in your heart.

Why then are we not always eager and excited to worship God and study His word? Why do we not always do our Father’s will but often go against God’s will in our lives? Of course that is because we still have that Old Adam. Our sinful nature is still trying to take back control of our lives. It is trying to drive Jesus out of our hearts and forsake His salvation. Who will you listen to, your old man with its sinful desires, or Jesus, who loved you and gave Himself for you?

Father forgive me that I have not always done your will or delighted in your Word. Teach me to listen to and follow Christ, not my old Adam. In Jesus’ name. Amen