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2024-09-20 A Good Name


A good name is better than good oil, And the day of one’s death is better than the day of one’s birth. Ecclesiastes 7:1 NASB

In Biblical times, ointments were used to improve one’s odor. Today’s perfumes and deodorants serve this purpose, but they are not a substitute for the clean smell that comes from soap and water. They cover up but do not remove.

What about spiritual odors? The spiritual odor spoken of in our text is that given off by our “name,” our reputation. A bad reputation makes a man “stink” in the presence of others. They want to avoid him, lest his stench rubs off on them. As Aesop pointed out: “A man is known by the company he keeps.” Moreover, there are no earthly perfumes or deodorants that will cover up a bad reputation. Deception, lies, and shifting the blame only make things worse. Or, a man may try to buy the companionship of others with riches, but those who pretend to be his friends can still smell the stench. A bad reputation is very hard to overcome.

On the other hand, “a good name is better than precious ointment.” When a person has a good reputation, others enjoy his presence and come to him for advice. They know that he is honest and upright. His good “fragrance” comes from within. But, how does this happen? It begins when we are washed clean in the “soap” of divine blood. The blood of Jesus has a cleansing quality that removes all the stink of sin.

Think of the thief on the cross. He had a very evil reputation. However, what do we think of him now? The evil reputation of a sinner has been replaced by that of a saint. So, it is with every conversion: sinner to saint; bad repute to excellent character; a “Saul” to a “Paul.” Cleansed from the stench of sin and anointed with the ointment of Christ’s righteousness, we are a sweet fragrance to God. And, it doesn’t stop there, for “through us [God] diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” (2 Corinthians 2:14) This is the true value of a good name.

O Spirit of the living God,
Now breathe the fragrance of Your grace
Into my heart that it may be
As incense sweet before God’s face.