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2024-09-16 The Highest Power


"If you see the oppression of the poor and the ruthless denial of justice and rights in a province, do not be shocked over the matter, for one higher than the high is on guard and there are higher than they." Ecclesiastes 5:8 (Author’s Translation)

It is said that "power corrupts." When a person gets a taste of power, it often changes him. His former ideals vanish. Sinner that he is, he begins to exercise power to benefit himself and his friends. This leads to acts of oppression and injustice.

“Don't be shocked,” Solomon says. Yet, we are. The Spirit tells us that "love believes all things, hopes all things." (1 Corinthians 13:7) So, we hope that people will be honest and trust that they will be just.
Skeptics expect everyone to abuse power, from the local police officer to the president. However, Solomon is not a skeptic. He does not say that everyone will abuse power. Rather, he tells us to be realists. After all, sin is deeply rooted within the heart. So, why should we be shocked when sin manifests itself?

So often, pride causes a man to exalt himself and ruthlessly crush those who cannot defend themselves nor give backing to him. Injustice and oppression are branches on the tree of pride. However, we shouldn't become pessimists. For, “one higher than the high is on guard and there are higher than they." No matter how powerful the oppressor might be, there is always someone who is more powerful. It may be a human being or a powerful angel, sent by God to stop unjust rulers. In the end, there is One who is higher than the highest and that is God! Vengeance is His; He will repay. Justice will have its day in God's good time.

Thankfully, this is the same God who poured out divine justice on His own Son, punishing Him for all injustice and oppression, truly, for all our sins.

Lord Jesus, in Your justice and love, You have redeemed us from sin and death. Even so, help us to pursue justice and love for Your name’s sake. Amen.