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2024-09-10 Older Men

Encouraging the Roles of Laypeople

The older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience. Titus 2:2

The Apostle Paul beings by instructing Titus to encourage the older men in their role in the congregation. Although older men are usually defined as those who have lived many years, this should not be the assumption. Rather, the older men are those who also exhibit spiritual maturity in the word of God. Several characteristics of older men are presented in our verse. Let us consider these characteristics in our spiritual lives.

The characteristics mentioned are soberness, reverence, temperance, and also soundness in faith, love, and patience. Although soberness often is associated with the use of alcohol and drugs, Paul is speaking of more than that type of soberness. He speaks of soberness as not having anything that distracts one from having a clear mind. This soberness is a focus on heavenly things, so that the things of this world do not distract us from the goal of proclaiming the word of God. Reverence refers to acting with maturity in taking matters seriously. This seriousness will often lead others in the congregation to observe that individual as being worthy of respect. Temperance also shows the worthiness of respect because one is stable in his words and actions, not being swayed by popular opinion. His soundness in faith, love, and patience shows his faithfulness to the word of God, his love for all, especially his fellow congregational members, and his patience with others, particularly the young. All these characteristics show a mature layperson. His actions as well as his words testify to his faith in the word of God. These characteristics should be found in all believers as children of God; therefore, let us ask the Holy Spirit to give us these blessings.

Dear Holy Spirit, give us the Christian characteristics of soberness, reverence, temperance, and soundness in faith, love, and patience so that we may be servants of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May we be examples in both words and actions of a child of God, proclaiming His word to all with whom we come in contact. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.