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2024-09-07 Weekend Rest Journal

1.Think about the aspects of your job you enjoy. Make a list. Take some time to thank God for these blessings and look for other ways you can be thankful.

2.Read Matthew 28:18-20. Ask yourself how you can make disciples for Jesus while carrying out your current occupation.

3.Think back on all your teachers. Can you list them from kindergarten thru high school and college? What teachers made a positive impression on you? Take a moment, if possible to thank them or send them a note of appreciation. What was it about them that affected you? Make an effort to have a similar effect on someone in your congregation.

4.Do you have opportunity to serve in your congregation? Can you help with Sunday School or Vacation Bible School? Have you ever served in the congregation? Think seriously today about how you might use your gifts to serve God and your fellow believers.

5.Pray for your pastor. Encourage young sober minded men in the congregation to consider the public ministry. Look for young men who are compassionate and caring.
