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2024-08-29 God’s Worldview

Christian Education

Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians 1:20

Any given day you may be asked what your “worldview” is on a particular subject. A worldview is a compilation of personal opinions and principals, narratives and expectations about the world around us, which then direct our thoughts and actions. Worldview is expressed in religion, morality, philosophy, science and so forth. Many worldviews are seeded at school in the early years of a young person’s life. What is your worldview on the current state of public education being offered to children today?

More and more the educators of the world insist on using curriculums that are not only godless, but also politically motivated and manipulated to indoctrinate children and young people to think and act in wicked, godless, and immoral ways. In their worldly wisdom, they do not, nor are they able, to know God. He makes their wisdom foolish.

Thankfully, as believers, our worldview is based not on man’s wisdom, but God’s. His Gospel message of Christ crucified for our total salvation works in our hearts to direct our thoughts and actions to His glory. God’s worldview, His plan of grace through His Son, Jesus, has saved us. It is the foolishness of the message preached – the Means of Grace. By faith we take great interest in passing this good news, God’s worldview, on to the next generations.

I’m thankful that in my church fellowship, the means of grace (the Gospel preached) is found daily in our Christian schools. This gives our youth a chance to flourish in the true wisdom of God with Christ at the center of every subject. Spirit worked faith in their hearts believes in God’s worldview that makes the wisdom of the world foolishness.

Dear Jesus, through faith in Your Word please give us and our children the only worldview that matters – Christ, and Him crucified. Amen.