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2024-08-27 Grandparents

Christian Education

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children. Proverbs 13:22a

My father-in-law and his dear wife always looked out for my kids, their grandchildren. They made it a point to spend time with them, talk with them, and treat them as the gifts of God they are, even to the point of giving generous monetary gifts for their futures, including helping to pay their bills for Immanuel Lutheran High School in Eau Claire, WI. They were a fine example of Christian grandparents who knew that children were “an inheritance from the LORD.” (Psalm 127)

Looking back at all the interaction between my grandparents and their grandchildren, I am in awe at the importance they placed upon the well-being of their loved ones. Even more important was the fact that they lovingly showed them the wonders of the Gospel of Jesus. They read them Bible stories, sang hymns to them, quoted Bible passages, and shared the love that God shared with them. They understood that the best inheritance they could share with their children’s children was the good news of Christ crucified for sinners. By faith they could leave this world knowing that they passed on the best inheritance to their family – a Spirit-worked faith in the saving work of Jesus, the Son of God.

Of course, my wife and I also paid special care and attention to the spiritual well being of our little ones. However, in the hustle and bustle of the hectic life of young parents, it was always reassuring to know that our parents had our backs–and kept our family in their active thoughts, and prayers to the LORD. Now that I have my own grandchildren (Thank You LORD!), I praise Him for His steadfast love and kindness toward them and their parents. My wife and I, in our old age can truly say with the Apostle John: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” (3 John 1:4 NKJ)

O LORD, help us to give the best gifts to our children’s children – Your saving Word. Amen.