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2024-08-24 Weekend Rest Journal

1. The idea of the “Christian Walk” is found also in the Old Testament. What is the nature of such a walk? We find that explained in the Book of Psalms. The psalms are Hebrew poetry, which rely on a literary technique called parallelism. Parallelism involves making a statement, and then making a second statement which further defines it. While there are several types of parallelism, we will consider synonymous parallelism, which means that the psalmist first writes a statement and then adds a second very similar statement to further define it.

Look up the passages cited below. In each passage the psalmist speaks of a believer’s “walk” in one of the two statements. Jot down the similar ideas the psalmists use to further define the “Christian Walk.”

Psalm 26:1
Psalm 26:3
Psalm 26:11-12
Psalm 81:13
Psalm 89:15
Psalm 101:6
Psalm 119:1
Psalm 119:45
Psalm 128:1