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2024-07-30 I Believe in God the Father Almighty

Apostles’ Creed

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3:1

Everyone has a father, but not everyone has a loving father. Sadly, in this sinful world, some people never find out who their father is. Some know who he is, but he’s been absent. Some grow up with their father but are neglected or abused and never know what it’s like to have a father who cares, nurtures, and loves his child.

In our confession, we recognize that God the Father is our true Father. He is the Creator of heaven and earth and every person. Consider how bold that confession is in a world that believes we are here because of a Big Bang and evolution. Your confession and belief in the truth of God’s six-day creation already sets your life apart. You are not unsure of how you got here or why you are alive. You know your Creator. He is God your Father, and He is an involved Father.

We confess that He still preserves us along with all of His creation. We confess that we have the privilege to call ourselves children of God! That’s amazing because we were all born sinners and outside of the Father’s household. In order to make us His sons and daughters, He sent His only-begotten Son to be our Brother. He did this out of His fatherly love, goodness, and mercy, without any worthiness on our part.

What is our response? How do we live as children of God? Luther sums it up: we ought to thank and praise our Father. We ought to serve and obey Him. Confessing that God our Father is our Creator and reflecting the love He has shown us is a surefire way to show others that they too have an almighty Father.

Dear Father, endless praise I render
For soul and body, strangely joined;
I praise Thee Guardian kind and tender,
For all the noble joys I find
So richly spread on every side,
And freely for my use supplied.
The Lutheran Hymnal 243:2