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2024-07-20 Weekend Rest Journal

1. Reread Philippians 2:1-11. Here we are given Christ’s example for how we are to live our lives in service to each other. It is Christ alone who makes possible a life that reflects His love. From verses 1-4, how are all Christians supposed to act? How are we not to do things? What are the interests of others, and how should we treat them?

2. Christ’s humiliation is a big part of His earthly ministry (verses 5-7). It is something of which we should always be mindful. What did He set aside to come to this earth? What was the main point and purpose for His humiliation? (verse 8)

3.In verses 9-11, we see what the mindset of Christ earned Him. What did His mindset earn Him? What will that name mean for everyone else? What will that confession serve?


Answers #3 – the name which is above every name; every knee will bow, every tongue will confess; glorify God the Father