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2024-07-06 Weekend Rest Journal

1. How do you traditionally celebrate our nation’s independence? Can you think of any corresponding ways we can publicly celebrate our freedom from sin’s power?

2. There is a tradition in many churches to spend a few moments after receiving Holy Communion to consider the cost Jesus paid for our salvation. During Sunday’s service, find places in the liturgy which also remind us of that cost.

3. The Lord promises that the work we do in His name will not be in vain. Can you think of some people in your life who can use a comforting or encouraging word about the freedom won for them by Christ? Speak to them, knowing that the Holy Spirit is working through you.

4. Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the freedoms we enjoy in our earthly citizenship and, more importantly, in our relationship with Christ. Help us to appreciate the responsibilities that come with these freedoms and to live in a manner that reflects the love and grace we have received. May we cherish the temporal freedoms while always remembering the eternal freedom secured for us through the sacrifice of your Son, Jesus Christ. In His name, we pray. Amen.
