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2024-07-05 Preserving Freedom

Freedom in Christ

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Proverbs 30:5 ESV

Every beach trip, my wife insists on going through the routine of putting on sunscreen. Me, being the “manly person” that I am, I resist steadfastly: “A little sun won’t hurt me!” Later, as I carefully pull the shirt off my sunburnt shoulders, I realize my error. As I’ve aged and had skin lesions removed several times, I’ve realized that I should not have taken my health for granted. Fortunately, the surgeons have been able to remove these cancerous growths before their tentacles of death spread to infect my entire body.

In the midst of our nation’s current election season, we likewise realize the danger of taking our freedoms for granted. We know that maintaining our freedoms requires vigilance, responsibility, and active participation in the democratic process.

It is even more imperative that we do not take the freedoms won for us through Christ for granted. The powerful forces of evil (Ephesians 6:10-12) want us to think that evil isn’t bad and that we are strong enough to resist. They plant small lesions of unbelief into our heart, hoping they will spread their deadly tentacles throughout our entire spiritual body.

This is why it is important to regularly hear and read God’s Word. His Word creates a protective shield of faith from Satan’s attacks. This same Word of God also acts as a surgeon’s blade to cut out any cancerous unbelief before its deadly tentacles spread. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit.” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV) In Matthew 18:15-18, Jesus describes this process.

How blessed we are that God, who not only gives us the shield of His Word to protect our souls from the attacks of evil, also through that same Word works in our hearts to remove evil before it destroys our souls.

Arm these Thy soldiers, mighty Lord, With shield of faith and Spirit's sword.Forth to the battle may they goAnd boldly fight against the foe.
Come, ever-blessed Spirit, comeAnd make Thy servants' hearts Thy home.May each a living temple beHallowed forever, Lord, to Thee.
The Lutheran Hymnal 332:1,3