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2024-07-03 Transformation Through Freedom

Freedom in Christ

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

Foreigners who apply for citizenship in America quickly and happily adjust to their dream of being able to express their opinions without fear of being thrown into prison, to practice their faith without fear of government reprisal, to drive hundreds of miles without checkpoints or passports, etc. Becoming a citizen of America changes these people from living in fear to a joyful and peaceful enjoyment of life.

Likewise, becoming a citizen of the Kingdom of God transforms people: The economic or emotional worries that threaten to overwhelm us disappear when we realize God’s promises to never leave or forsake us are true. Those who are locked in an addiction to sin find strength to recover through the Holy Spirit. The guilt and shame over past sin is gone, trusting in our loving Lord, who willingly sacrificed Himself to redeem us.

In Christ, we find freedom from the bondage of sin, fear, and condemnation. This spiritual freedom allows us to live in joy and peace, knowing that we are no longer slaves but children of God. We trust that the Holy Spirit, dwelling within us, will provide guidance, strength, and power to live a life that honors God. The Lord is with us through our struggles of the flesh!

As citizens of the Kingdom of God and having seen the freedoms we now have, we no longer want to be conformed to the ways of the world, but joyfully show by our actions and words the glories of God. We furthermore look forward to our heavenly home, where our bodies will be fully transformed.

O Lord, we bless Thy gracious heart,For Thou Thyself dost heal our smartThro' Christ, our Savior's precious blood,Which for the sake of sinners flowed.

Give us Thy Spirit, peace affordNow and forever, gracious Lord.Preserve to us till life is spentThy holy Word and Sacrament.
The Lutheran Hymnal 321:3-4