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2024-06-14 A Light to Shine in the Darkness

The Word is a Lamp

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19

By definition, darkness is just the absence of light. Things are only visible if light can touch them. Have you ever been somewhere that was pitch black? It can be an eerie feeling and even unnerving.

One might be able to get used to pitch blackness, but being used to it is not a long-term solution. The same can be said of sin. For a time, one might get by. It is not permanent though. Judgment Day will come, and all will be expected to answer for their deeds.

Thanks be to God that He has revealed Himself to us through His Word! The rich, timeless Word shows us the depravity of sin, the extent that sinners fell into, and then shows the even greater extent that God went through to ensure reconciliation, forgiveness, and salvation. This prophetic Word spans generations, it includes dozens of authors, and different genres of work. Yet at the heart of the Word is the light that points to Jesus Christ, the Son of God and man, who was crucified, died, buried, and risen again! Now He reigns forevermore!

In this Word, we see the necessary picture of our Savior, which we receive by faith through the Holy Spirit. It is confirmed! It is true! Not only do we see this by faith but we can also see the creation which tells us of the glory of its Creator, and the histories of the world make mention of the One from Nazareth.

Until that glorious day when He comes again as He promised He would, we have the light of His Word to show us Him and His way. It truly is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path! (Psalm 119:105)

We have the sure prophetic Word, by inspiration of the Lord;
And tho’ assailed on every hand, Jehovah’s Word shall ever stand.
The Lutheran Hymnal 290:1