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2024-05-21 Enlightened Us with His Gifts

The Work of the Holy Spirit

It is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

On Pentecost, the Holy Spirit poured out upon the disciples unique gifts, such as performing miracles and speaking in tongues. Although these gifts were certainly great blessings in spreading the Word of God, these gifts disappeared after the first-century followers of Jesus. Even though these gifts are no longer present, the Holy Spirit still pours out gifts upon us. Through calling us by the gospel, He gives us gifts of forgiveness, peace, joy, hope, and comfort. All of these are spiritual gifts that become ours through faith.

The Apostle Paul speaks to the Corinthians concerning being enlightened by the Holy Spirit. He speaks of it as the Holy Spirit bringing us out of the darkness of unbelief into the light of faith. The gifts that we receive by faith are the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His work of salvation for us. This knowledge is that our sins are forgiven, that we have spiritual peace with God, and that we have the certain hope of eternal life. This knowledge also provides us with joy and comfort in the truth that our sins are forgiven. These gifts from the Holy Spirit are certainly wonderful.

Holy Ghost, with light divine Shine upon this heart of mine;
Chase the shades of night away, Turn the darkness into day.
Let me see my Savior's face, Let me all His beauties trace;
Show those glorious truths to me, Which are only known to Thee.

The Lutheran Hymnal 234:1-2