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2024-04-15 The Definition of Christ's Humiliation

Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9

We do not like to be humbled. We do not like to be thought of as less than who we think we are. In fact, we can even become guilty wanting to be recognized for our humility. Christ's humiliation was genuine and literal. He lowered Himself in order to be our Savior.

It is one thing for a mortal to be humbled. It is quite another to consider that the holy, almighty, eternal God would even consider being humbled, much less actually do it. Yet this is exactly what Jesus did for the sake of sinners. He lowered Himself, not only in taking on flesh and blood, but also by the type of Man He became. Though His birth was announced by angels, everything else about it was lowly—the place, the first visitors, His earthly parents. As He entered into His public ministry, His disciples included fisherman and even a tax collector. He routinely worked among those despised and outcast by society. When He died, all that He had were the clothes on His back. Jesus lowered Himself to be a Servant. The Creator served those whom He created.

Why would Jesus enter into such a state? Love is the answer. He became poor so that you and I might become rich. He went through hell so that we could go to heaven.

We are rich, for He was poor; Is this not a wonder?
Therefore praise God evermore Here on earth and yonder
The Lutheran Hymnal 97:3