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2024-04-05 Joy to Troubled and Doubt-filled Hearts.

Easter Questions

“Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?” Luke 24:38

It has now been almost 12 hours since the report of the women that Jesus was alive! But what has been their response? We are told the disciples “did not believe the women for their words seemed like idle tales.” But now, suddenly, as they are gathered behind closed doors, Jesus appears before them all. His first words are “peace to you.” Instead of peace filling their hearts, they were terrified and thought they were seeing a spirit. So Jesus lays this question upon their hearts and ours: “Why are you troubled?”

To remove their doubts and calm their fears, Jesus showed them the marks the tell-tale marks of His nail wounds in His hands and His feet. He says, “Handle Me and see, for a spiritu does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” To prove it even further Jesus asks for and receives some food which He then ate for all to see. Now the disciples believe. Why? Not because their minds and eyes told them to, but because the Holy Spirit convinced them through the Word. Two verses after our text we read, “He opened their understanding that they might comprehend the Scriptures.”

To the natural human mind, the resurrection from the dead is an impossible event. Mankind begrudgingly accepts death as a natural process and an end to life. It is inevitable. But why are we so troubled? For we learn from Jesus’ resurrection that death has come to an end, and that it is now the resurrection from the dead that is inevitable! It was not possible for death to hold this victim within the grave. Jesus paid the punishment of sin for us. He who had no sin was made to be sin for us. When that payment was made and that satisfaction was given, death could no longer hold Christ. Resurrection was inevitable because the death of Jesus declared us righteous by God. The death and resurrection of Jesus have made a difference in our lives.

Dear Savior, make a difference in my life every day with the good news of Your death and resurrection. Amen.