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2024-04-03 Whom Are We Seeking?

Easter Questions

"Whom are you seeking?” John 20:15

This is Jesus’ second question to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. Jesus is saying, “Mary, aren't you on a futile pursuit–looking for someone who is dead? What did I promise you? Think about what you are doing, looking for the living, resurrected Christ in a grave. Lift up your eyes in the confidence of faith and see a living Savior, never to die again.” Here again, Mary does not understand the deep meaning behind this second question. Do we understand the meaning?

Whom are we seeking? Do we seek the living Jesus in our daily lives? Do we live our lives victorious over sin with a resurrected Christ by our side? Or do we act as if He can't hear us when we say those mean words to others? Do we act as if He doesn’t know when we think those immoral thoughts? Do we suppose He can’t see us when we do those selfish things that we know are contrary to God’s commandments? Do we act as if Jesus were dead and can't see our sins of neglecting His Word, not coming to His house to hear His Word, not reading His Word in our daily devotions?

Whom are we seeking? In troubles and trials, seek Jesus' help in His Word first and foremost. Don’t run to the world for the temporary panaceas of comfort and feel-good counsel. Don’t run away from problems through workaholism. Because He has risen, you can face up to your responsibilities and problems of life. You can be present, communicative, caring, and loving. You might be tempted to blame others, or blame God, or seek self-pity, but the risen Jesus is right here for you to seek, to give you His love and service, so you can serve and love God and others. May we seek a living Jesus through whom we are justified (declared righteous) by the Father and with the power of His resurrection, cause our hearts to leap for joy and not weep for sadness.

Dear Holy Spirit, keep us ever seeking the resurrected Lord Jesus in His Word every day of our lives. Amen.