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2024-04-02 Slow of Heart to Believe!

Easter Questions

"Why are you weeping?” John 20:15

Mary Magdalene is emotionally distraught–filled with fear and confusion, tears and sorrow. What happened to the Lord's body? The tomb is empty. The body of Jesus is gone! By this question Jesus is really asking, “Mary, why don't you open your eyes of faith and see what is clearly before you? The empty tomb, the presence of God's angels, the linen bands lying as they are, and the head covering neatly folded? Don't these things remind you of My words and My promise: “On the third day I will rise again”? All of this was lost on Mary. Like the other disciples, she too was slow of heart to believe.

Before we shake our heads too much and wonder, “how in the world couldn't she have remembered,” all we have to do is look at ourselves. We're in this same picture. This conversation could be one with each of us. Jesus could be asking us just about every day: “Brother, sister, why are you weeping, why are you so sad today, so depressed, so despairing, so worried, so burdened with cares?”

Sad to say, in our troubles and trials we often do not remember the promises and assurances Jesus gives to us in His word, just like Mary. Preoccupied with our own troubles and heartaches, trials and losses, fears and distresses, we fail to see a risen Savior, One who lives forever and gives us through His Word comfort, peace, joy, strength, and courage; but instead, we act as if Jesus were still dead and lost to us.

There are many reasons why we weep in this world, because this world is a valley of sorrows. But ultimately we also know that those tears will turn to joy. We know that, by His resurrection, Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes. Mary needed to learn that and so do we!

Dear Jesus, when we are filled with tears and sadness, lead us to remember that Jesus lives and comforts us with His powerful Word of love and assures us of everlasting peace with Him. Amen.