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2024-02-24 Weekend Rest Journal

1. Parables usually have one main focal point. We should avoid pressing the details of a parable too far to make other points. In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, circle the statement(s) below that look accurate and cross out the one(s) which seem to be pressing the parable too far.
Christians should wait patiently at street corners for the Lord to return.
On the last day, 5 out of 10 (50%) will go to heaven and 50% to hell.
The Lord will return at night.
After Judgment Day, there will be no further access to heaven.

2. Usually the verses preceding a parable help indicate the main point. Look up the familiar parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14). Based on the opening verse, what is the main point that Jesus is driving at?
It is better to take a place toward the back of the church.
Fasting and tithing are displeasing to God.
To trust oneself for righteousness and heaven is always a mistake.
Tax collectors were saved, Pharisees were not.

Answers: 1. a,b,c,d 2. c
