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2024-02-17 Weekend Rest Journal

1. The Lenten section of the Lutheran Hymnal is an excellent devotional resource concerning the comfort and value that Christ’s passion affords us. Review a hymn of your choice from the Lenten section (140-159) and take note of any words and phrases used to explain the Biblical meaning of the Savior’s passion and death. You can also look up these hymns on

2. During the Lenten season where we dwell upon the happenings and details of Christ’s sufferings during holy week, it is important to remember the reason for Jesus’ death and passion. Read Luther’s explanation to the Second Article of the Apostle’s Creed and note the blessings that Jesus gives us through His death on the cross.

3. Our Savior Jesus died an innocent death for us to take away our sins. He also lived a perfect life by never sinning and always doing what His Father wanted Him to do. Why is that fact, the perfect life of Jesus, important for you?
